
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lettuce...who knew you were so creative!

Lettuce: last friday the boys and I took a trip to our local farmers market in Bristol, RI, colt stat park. It was small but I know that its only the beginning of the season and that there is more vegetation too come!

We bought 2 heads of lettuce for $5 and boy did we get more than we could handle! So I've been searching for different things to do with all this lettuce....

Grilled Lettuce Salad

1 head of romaine, red, green, butter, radicchio, endive or Bibb lettuce
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and pepper
Don't cut the base off the head of lettuce before cutting it into quarters. Put some olive oil in the palm of your hands and rub them over the four pieces. Sprinkle each side lightly with salt and pepper before placing them on a hot grill. Turn every minute or so until there are small black spots on each side. This should take 5 to 6 minutes. Coarsely cut the lettuce and remove the base. Place into a bowl and sprinkle liberally with balsamic vinegar and a little more olive oil and serve. If you want to add another touch, sprinkle some Parmesan cheese shavings over the lettuce. The remaining heat may be just enough to soften the cheese and make it stick to the lettuce.
Instead of sandwiches why not use boat shaped gem lettuce leaves to hold these delicious sandwich fillings. It makes a great healthy recipe. This lettuce boat recipe uses Chicken and Mango.


6 gem lettuce leaves
75g cooked chicken breast, shredded
75g chopped ripe mango
Half spring onion, finely sliced
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp honey
1 ½ tbsp light olive oil


Separate the leaves and lay out on a plate.
In a bowl, mix together the shredded chicken, mango and spring onion.
Mix together the lemon juice, honey and olive oil and toss with the chicken mixture.
Place a spoonful of the mixture into each lettuce leaf and serve.

There's so much that you can do its overwhelming!
I hope that these recipes give you luck! pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

feathers...why yes it is in my hair

So a few weeks ago I saw one of my friends had a feather in her hair and she told me about this whole new craze, feather hair extensions. They come in a plethora of different colors and go in fairly easily. I cant wait to get coming soon!

Friday, April 29, 2011

royal wedding and the HATS!!!!!!!!!!

So like everyone else I was obsessed with the royal wedding fashion! I now believe that we should all wear hats...everywhere... all the every questions asked. Here are some examples from some of the designers that designed some of the hats worn to the royal wedding:

Hats designed by: Philip Treacy 

Hat designed by : Ellen Christine 

Hat designed by : Jane Taylor 

Hat designer: Unknown 

Let start wearing hats ladies! 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parking ticket...really CSC????!?!

Parked outside of the rot for maybe 15 minutes and got a parking ticket...go fuck yourself parking police

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

photo-shoot done by Monique

This photo-shoot was done by a wonderful photographer, Monique Fontaine , for her photography I class. She choose to create photos inspired by Nicholas Nixon and asked me to model for some of them. enjoy. 

we're walking there guys

amazing night with awesome people. heres what we drank last night and how you can make it: